Dejan Pantelić :: HOLOGRAPHY - Laboratory for Quantum Optics and Lasers ::

HOLOGRAPHY - Laboratory for Quantum Optics and Lasers

Izvan holografije

Laboratory for Optics and Lasers
Holography, Quantum optics, Laser development, LIDAR, Optical metrology - length standard and more to come!

Dennis Gabor

31. Oct 2006.

Dejan Pantelić

Viši naučni saradnik Instituta za fiziku


        Rodjen je 1957 u Beogradu. Diplomirao je fiziku 1980 na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Bavi se holografijom, laserima i optičkom metrologijom. U Institutu za fiziku radi od 1980 godine. Predavao je Optiku studentima kamere na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti. 2004. godine izabran je u zvanje višeg naučnog saradnika.


Spisak radova publikovanih u medjunarodnim časopisima:

1. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Tomographic reconstruction with diminished informational content
    Optics Communications, Vol. 64, (1987), p.327

2. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Optical computation of determinants
    Optics Communications, Vol. 64, (1987), p.421

3. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Optical tomographic memory
    Optics Communications, Vol. 64, (1987), p.507

4. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Sectors of a binary image used for noise insensitive pattern recognition
    Optic Communications, Vol. 68, (1988), p.257

5. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Sector transform and its optical realisation
    Optics Communications, Vol. 74, (1989), p.155

6. Dejan V. Pantelić 
    A new kind of splines and their use for fast ray-tracing in reflective cavities
    Computer Physics Communication, Vol. 55, (1989), p.1

7. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Incoherent optical Abel inversion
    Optics Communications, Vol. 75, (1990), p.381

8. Dejan V. Pantelić
    Optical computation of the sector and Radon transform using pinhole array
    Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.2, (1991), p.391

9. M.Kuraica, N.Konjević, M.Platiša, D.Pantelić
    Plasma diagnostics of the Grimm-type glow discharge
    Spectrochimica Acta, Vol. 47B, (1992), p.1173

10. I.Belić, D.V.Pantelić
     Simple production method for a Nd-YAG pumping cavity
      Appl. Opt., Vol. 31, (1992), p.4914

11. D.Pantelic, B.Panic, I.Belic
      Solid-state laser pumping by using planar compound parabolic concentrator
      Appl. Opt., Vol. 36, (1997), p.7730

12. D.Pantelic, S.Savic, D.Jakovljevic
      Dichromated pullulan as a novel photosensitive holographic material
      Opt. Lett., Vol. 23, (1998), p.807

13. D.Pantelic. B.Muric
      Improving the holographic sensitivity of dichromated gelatin in the blue green 
      part of the spectrum by sensitization with  xantene dyes

      Appl.Opt., Vol. 40, (2001), p.2871

14. S.Savic, D.Pantelic, D.Jakovljevic
      Real-time and postprocessing holographic effects in dichromated pullulan
      Appl.Opt., Vol. 41, (2002), p.4484

15. D.Pantelic, B.Panic, A.Kovacevic
      Digital control of an iodine stabilized He-Ne laser by using a personal computer
      and a simple electronic system

      Rev.Sci.Instrum., Vol. 74, (2003), p.3155

16. Aleksandar Krmpot, Marina Mijailović, Bratimir Panić, Dragan Lukić, 
      Aleksander Kovačević, Dejan Pantelić, Branislav Jelenković
      Sub-Doppler absorption narrowing in atomic vapor at two intense laser fields
      Opt. Express, Vol. 13, (2005), p. 1448

17. S. Savić Šević, D. Pantelić 
     Relief hologram replication using a dental composite as an embossing tool
     Opt. Express, Vol. 13, (2005), p. 2747

18. M.Božić, L. Vušković, D. Pantelić, S. Nikolić, V. Majić
      School Architecture and Physics Education
      The Physics Teacher, Vol.43, (2005), p. 36-39

19. S. S. Šević, D. Pantelić
     Dichromated pullulan diffraction gratings: influence of environmental conditions
     and storage time on their properties 

     Appl. Opt., Vol. 46, (2007), p. 287

20. M. M. Mijailović, J. Dimitrijević, A. J. Krmpot, Z. D. Grujić, B. M. Panić, D. Arsenović,
      D. V. Pantelić, B. M. Jelenković
      On non-vanishing amplitude of Hanle electromagnetically induced
      absorption in Rb

      Opt. Express, Vol. 15 (2007), p.1328

21. Dejan Pantelić, Larisa Blažić, Svetlana Savić-Šević, Bratimr Panić
     Holographic detection of a tooth structure deformation after dental filling polymerization
Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 12, (2007) 024026
     Objavljeno i u Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 13, Issue 6, March 15, 2007

22. Dejan Pantelić, Larisa Blažić, Svetlana Savić-Šević, Branka Murić, Darko Vasiljević, 
      Bratimir Panić, Ilija Belić
      Real-time measurement of internal stress of dental tissue using holography
Opt. Express, Vol. 15, (2007), 6823-6830
      Objavljeno i u Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 13, 2007

23. Branka Murić, Dejan Pantelić, Darko Vasiljević, Bratimir Panić
      Properties of microlenses fabricatied on a layer of Tot'hema and eosin sensitzed gelatin
      Applied Optics, Vol. 46, (2007), pp. 8527-8532
      Objavljeno i u Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 29, 2008

24. Branka Murić, Dejan Pantelić, Darko Vsiljević, Bratimir Panić
      Microlens fabrication on tothema sensitized gelatin
    Optical Materials Vol. 30, (2008), pp. 1217-1220

25. Svetlana Savić-Šević, Dejan Pantelić
      Biopolymer holographic diffraction gratings
      Optical Materials
Vol. 30, (2008), pp 1205-1207

26. Branka Murić, Dejan Pantelić, Darko Vasiljević, Bratimir Panić, Branislav Jelenković
      Thermal analzsis of microlens formation on a sensitiyed gelatin lazer
       Applied Optics, Vol. 48, (2009), pp. 3854-3859



Optics Communications: Impact factor 1.480 (2006) OPTIKA (18/55),  R51b
Computer Physics Communication: Impact factor 1.595 (2006) INFORMATIKA, MULTIDISCIPLINARNE PRIMENE (19/80), PHYSICS, MATEMATIČKA FIZIKA (12/41),      R51a
Multidimensional systems and signal processing: Impact factor 0.588 (2006) INFORMATIKA, TEORIJE I METODE (55/75), ELEKTROINŽENJERIJA I ELEKTRONIKA (119/205)    R52
Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Impact factor 3.092 (2006), SPECTROSKOPIJA (7/39)    R51a
Applied Optics: Impact factor 1.717 (2006), OPTICS (13/55)     R51a
Review of Scientific Instruments: Impact factor 1.541 (2006), INSTRUMENTI I INSTRUMENTACIJA (10/53), PRIMENJENA FIZIKA (28/83),      R51a
Optics Letters: Impact factor 3.598 (2006), OPTIKA (2/55)     R51a
Optics Express: Impact factor 4.009 (2006), OPTIKA (1/55)    R51a
Journal of Biomedical Optics: Impact factor 2.870 (2006), OPTIKA (4/55), METODE BIOHEMIJSKIH ISTRAŽIVANJA (19/55), RADIOLOGIJA, NUKLEARNA MEDICINA I MEDICINSKA SNIMANJA (19/85)    R51a
Optical Materials:
Impact factor 1.709 (2006), NAUKA O MATERIJALIMA, MULTIDISCIPLINARNA (40/175), OPTIKA (14/55)      R51a
Physics Teacher:
Impact factor -----

31. Oct 2006.


Hologrami koji se mogu upisivati i brisati
Denisjuk, Juri Nikolajevič (1927, Soči - 2006)
Kosmos u orahovoj ljusci
Pitanja koja nam ponekad postavljaju
Nils H. Abramson
Dennis Gabor
Darko Vasiljević
Laserska mikrotoma
Kvantna holografija
executed at 0.0073s