Bavi se holografijom. U Institutu za fiziku zaposlena od 1997 godine. U zvanje istraživač saradnik izabrana 2002 godine.
Radovi publikovani u medjunarodnim časopisima:
1. D.Pantelić, B. Murić
Improving the holographic sensitivity of dichromated gelatin in the
blue-green part of the spectrum by sensitization with xantene dyes
Appl.Opt., Vol. 40 (2001), p.2871.
2. Dejan Pantelić, Larisa Blažić, Svetlana Savić-Šević, Branka Murić, Darko Vasiljević,
Bratimir Panić, Ilija Belić
Real-time measurement of internal stress of dental tissue using holography
Opt. Express, Vol. 15, (2007), 6823-6830
Opt. Express, Vol. 15, (2007), 6823-6830